Unlimited Soul

Soul like the ocean Boundless and free Deep and unseen Dark and cold Still shinning and beaming.  

Beautiful Beings

What’s so beautiful about humans is there’s no point in time where we are complete, there’s no end goal.  We continue to learn, grow and improve. Your ceiling does not exist.

Boundless, Vibrant Love

You are surrounded by boundless, vibrant love all the time. The very nature of your being is love, as well as the nature of everything. Love is the energy that fuels the universe.

This Moment

Everything that has ever happened has led to this moment right now. If anything in the past changed, this moment wouldn’t be the moment it is, there would always be something slightly, or drastically, different about it. The history of the universe has led to this exact moment, and what an incredible dance it is…


When everything is gone And nothing is left We will find ourselves Amongst the mess.  

Think What You Want To Become

The more you think positive thoughts about yourself, the more likely you are to think those thoughts more often. As it lays physical pathways in your brain. Everything you say, such as “I am loving” lays another track on the pathway. It won’t make you loving by just thinking or saying it, but the more…

Continue Walking the Path

Sometimes it is necessary to walk down certain paths to be able to see paths we have not previously been able to see.


If you spend too much time in the light you’ll struggle to see through the dark. If you spend too much time in the dark you’ll lose your sight.

Caring about a Relationship or a Person

There’s a difference between caring about someone and caring about the relationship we have with someone. Sometimes what may be good for someone may not be good for the relationship. It’s easy to focus on what we get from a relationship instead of what we give to the person in the relationship. Maybe the relationship…

Knowing The Shadow

Your shadow knows you better than anyone, even better than you know yourself. It knows how to play you, how to use your emotions and feelings against you, to prevent you from letting go, from being who you are. You are therefore responsible for learning about yourself deeply, in order to know yourself better than…